Kirk Higgins Back Again

I love long walks on the beach with my wife, until the LSD wears off and I realize I’m just dragging a stolen mannequin around a Wendy’s parking lot.

I dig, you dig, we dig, he dig, she dig, they dig…….
It’s not a beautiful poem, but it’s very deep.

Some people drink deeply from the well of knowledge.
Other just rinse and spit………

With it being Thanksgiving here in the States, many retailers have made it a tradition to put on sales to drive customers to their doors. Here is a shout out to those we seldom consider.
To the City/Department of Water and Sewer. To the inventor of the toilet, the 25th is definitely your day. To Drain-o and the plunger, you too hold a special yet unheralded spot on the 25th. To the makers of Pepto and Imodium, you too have a special spot in our holiday.
What other unheralded heroes are there that you can think of?

I didn’t fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian on Thanksgiving!


Moto-Tow Inc.

Is Kirk a Rat Bastard? You Betcha!


Kirk Higgins… back again

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