
Left for Bonneville Salt Flats to run Gus Miller’s 1977 Harley-Davidson XLCR cafe racer on the salt on Wednesday, August 10th. Just the day before, my bronchitis was so bad that I sounded like Darth Vader when I breathed. The heat, sun, and salt did not help me get better; but I was living the dream! Got back after sunrise on Friday, August 19th. Ran lawn sprinkler under my truck ~10 hours just to melt the salt from all the cracks and crevices. Now, I am trying to get my truck and my health in good shape. Again, this was a wonderful opportunity, and I cannot thank Gus enough for giving me a chance to race his hot rod Harley against the clock on the fastest venue in the world. This was “Speed Week” with crews from all over the world gathering to appease the gods of speed. Yes, the circus was in town — and I was part of it!
George Tinkham

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