Sunday April 19th HIGH NOON to 5pm
2020 Preachers Hot Rod Cycle Designs will present “Old School Motorfest”
At Quaker Steak and Lube
The event will benefit Racing For Orphans .
Fran Haasch will be the title sponsor.
We have 2 bands, a great car show, a great bike show, a spark plug changing contest, a slow race and board race and a 50/50 raffle. We are looking into a Pinup contest plus we will be Unveiling the Racing For Orphans Drag Bike ! We are looking for a fifty / fifty girl, it pays 100 dollars for the day. Hours noon to 5pm. If you have any items for raffles during band intermission let us know will be will be glad to have your donations and give credit during the event and before!
We are looking for volunteers to help Ray out at the booth and help celebrate his birthday on that day!
If you know a group or business that would like to sponsor any of the listed events let me know.
Advertising for this event will begin in march through Full Throttle . Rider Now and Mike Kelly’s cruise news !